Peoria Area Unit

We will soon be seeing the tree leaves change their colors to brilliant oranges, reds and yellows. Even the deep brown leaves that have fallen and rustle as we walk through, the cool crisp morning air that changes with the sun’s warmth in the afternoon are all part of the beauty of autumn.

I am often in awe of nature’s beauty during this time of year. Autumn is truly my favorite time of the year. I can also find beauty in freshly fallen snow with the sun shining down on it and making it sparkle, although a little snow goes a long way. The flowers that poke their little heads up through the dirt and give us a bit of color and the promise that spring is on the way is another example of nature’s beauty. When I see a rainbow or the bright stars in the dark night sky, I marvel at their beauty. If you choose to take the time to look you can see beauty in nature in every season and all around us. God’s artistry is everywhere. We need to take the time to stop and see, feel, and hear the beauty that God has created for us to enjoy. God is an artist extraordinaire!

For we are God’s work of art, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God designated to make up our way of life. Ephesians 2:10 NJB As we return to our monthly meetings, let us find beauty in nature and all mankind. Let us roll up our sleeves and get to work to help make our little part of the world a better, a more beautiful place to be by doing the work that God would want us to do.

Renee Kilduski, President, Church Women United-Peoria Area.

Peoria Area Unit

Agreed to Differ - Resolved to Love - United to Serve

Elected Officials

President - Renee Kilduski
Vice President- TBA

Unit History

Organized in 1937 as an local ecumenical women's group:
Officially became a unit of CWU in 1941.

Church Women United is a racially, culturally, theologically inclusive Christian women’s movement, celebrating unity in diversity and working for a world of peace and justice. Founded in 1941, Church Women united is:

  • A movement representing Protestant, Roman Catholic, Orthodox and other Christian women

  • Biblically based, shared Christian faith

  • Organized into more than 1,200 local and state units working for peace and justice in the United States and Puerto Rico

  • Supported by constituents in state and local units and denominational women’s organizations

  • Impassioned by the Holy Spirit to act on behalf of women and children throughout the world

  • Recognized as a non-governmental organization by the United Nations

​The logo of the Church Women United is a circle with the exploding sun at the center
The rays suggest the dynamic force, vitality and life of the sun as our source of light and from Jesus, the Son, and our Source of Enlightenment. The rays also indicate movement, action and power; a coming and going as God’s people return to the Source for strength and then go out into the world in mission. The texture and richness of the rays symbolize the qualities the Christian women can contribute to the world. Texture relates to the way constituent parts are woven together. So it is that in Church Women United, Christian women from diverse backgrounds unite in a way that provides body and fullness for witness in a pluralistic, changing society.


  • To deepen our understanding of what it means to be Christian women of faith in today’s world

  • To develop a visible ecumenical community

  • To work for a just, caring and peaceful society

The Info Sheet CWUPA

The monthly newsletter from Church Women United Peoria Area.